Be Your Brand. Live your dream. Light up the world.
How I Started with Nothing and grew my brand using Instagram.

My Story:
Hay House and What Happened When I Graduated
Looking back a lot changed and none of it would have been possible without Instagram...
*i had NO email list (but I did once use Instagram to grow it from 0 to 500 in 2 days).
*i have brought in over 6 figures just by using Instagram.
*show room, retreats, clients
*And I am able to work from Anywhere
This course aims to teach you how to build and grow your brand just by using Instagram, so that you can grow & attract your audience and receive more opportunities like:
*getting a book deal
*launching your online courses
*leading retreats and events
*getting incredible PR
*attracting the perfect clients who come to you
*or anything that you really want to do...
Even if you’re just starting out, the most important thing you can do especially in the beginning is to grow your audience.
& that is something that I was doing without really knowing it at the time.

Looking back I could see that I had this guide that I could share with anyone who wanted to do the same:
- Other life coaches or yoga teachers
- anyone else who wanted to make a deeper impact and believed that they had a bigger purpose...
This course shares Everything you need to know to begin to build your brand so you can live your dream, do what you love & get paid to do it.
When I was not feeling good and did not even have the energy to hold my phone, I could just see my clients. Only sharing on Instagram when I was feeling good.
I had attracted such a loyal following that I almost didn’t matter that I wasn’t showing up as much...I was still able to connect to and inspire almost 15,000 people!

From the very beginning up until now there have been a lot of amazing opportunities & they all came to me because of my Instagram following...
*PURPOSE...do what I am meant to do and even more has happened that I never even imagined was really possible
*doing what you actually love & having a life that you love as well
*Working from Anywhere: from a cabana in Mexico or on the balcony of my hotel in Hawaii or from the beach in Aruba with my perfect clients (who found me on Instagram).
And because I could work from Anywhere...
*leading an epic meditation on yoga girls retreat in the Caribbean
*Being invited to a yoga festival in Costa Rica
And It was not just me.
I began to teach others how to do exactly the same...


Krista: a few hundred to over 6,000 and now helps others do the same.
Regan: from 100 to her first 1,000 add in what she has manifested/dream career.
Andee: from 400 to over 13,000
(add in info about her/her title.)
Anna: from 1,000 to 8,000...and now over 17,000. Launched a new business and used this Course to grow its following to 28,000.
Chanelle S.: from zero to her first 1,000...to 11,000...and now at almost 18,000. She now spends her time working when she wants to and with her daughter and has an entire team working for her.
Tory: from 300 to over 6,000 left her job and realized the Universe has a bigger plan.
Jamie: from 100-1,000. Left her job and realized she has been able to now make more in her business than she would have been making at her 9-5 job.
Brandy Littles: 200-2,000 Quit her job. Is able to work on her own time and spend as much time as possible with her new baby & family.

We dive deep into everything I have learned so that you can do exactly the same thing.
It includes everything you need to start living your dreams right now!
The Essential Elements Of Your Account Overview:
How you can really make your account stand out & to begin to attract your ideal audience (in an authentic way).
How to start with Nothing - just sharing what you love and being yourself - and draw in your ideal followers, so that they can feel like they know like and trust you, and become more likely to go off Instagram and see what else you do.
Make a stunning 1st impression.
How to share your message in an authentic way so that you can do what it is you really do want to do; because life is too short to do anything else.
Be so aligned that who you are & what you do just comes through easily, in an effortless way that really just stands out.
Why your mindset matters and how to get into the best mindset to attract the success that you want to create.
Impact others in a way that is beyond anything you ever could.
My Favorite Secret Apps for true Instagram Success:
I have always used my iPhone but there are special apps that I’ve learned to use along the way to really just enhance the pictures.
Not spending a ton of money to figure out what works...almost all the ones I use are free and the most expensive one is $15.
I cover all of the different ones that I personally use that I cannot live without.
All of them are super easy to use.
How to create quotes or put your watermark logo on your pictures.
Including the first app I ever used (& currently still my favorite out of all the ones out there today).
Allows you to take pictures like a pro...and make your pictures stand out.
Ways to create amazing images and capture details, colors, images perfectly without needing to use any special equipment or camera lens, literally just your phone.
And how to do this in a very short amount of time so that you can spend less time on social media and more time just living your life.
How to most effectively make your brand become one that people look at as an expert or influencer in your field.
Using Instagram
with Intention:
Exactly what to post and share what you are meant to share.
My favorite tips to visually enhance your images with no photography skills required at all.
You don’t need to be a photographer or have any photography skills at all. I don’t use a normal camera...I literally just use my iPhone and I’ve always just used my friends/mom/Starbucks cup to hold up my phone to take pictures for me.
Simple but powerful tips for more effective sharing.
What to do to make it easier for you to make all your photos look like professional images.
The most effective way to share your story & your journey...(& allow others to follow along with you.)
Capturing details & capturing attention: the beauty in little things.
Reinventing the selfie : just sharing yourself and who you are.
Capturing the feeling behind what you are sharing in a way that is drawing your followers to you.
Mistakes to Never Make ...All of Them:
There are certain things most other people are teaching that i feel like you do not need to do or that can actually hurt you. No one who has taken my Course has done that and as a result they’re not hurt by the algorithm the way a lot of people have been.
I will share all of them with you so that when you’re using Instagram with intention you’re getting the results that you actually want. And you’re not making a mistake that is causing your account to repel followers or be less seen/shown.
Why this matters... If you do these things your account will just not grow the way that it could...and we want to attract followers and not repel them!
We will go thru the top 10 mistakes I see most people making and what to do instead. So that you’re sharing what you love and getting paid to live your true purpose without feeling like work, or like you’re trying to “get followers” or become famous on Instagram.
Making sure that you’re using Instagram in an effective way that is actually getting you the results that you want.
I also share why you’re not making money on Instagram yet...and what to do instead, while staying true to your intention, focusing on doing what you Love, and by following my steps.
How To Grow Your Following Quickly & Easily:
This is my favorite because it contains my one secret strategy I learned along the way that has really helped change everything for me.
I literally spend 10-15 minutes a day doing this on Instagram and it has resulted in attracting 15-20 new amazing followers every single day.
People who have taken this Course have told me they have gained 30 new followers in one day just from doing this one easy step that literally anyone anywhere can do.
But I am also sharing all of the ways I have discovered to help you build your audience and your brand, quickly...not just this one step.
Why this is so important : I see a lot of people who struggle to fill their online Courses or programs...or people who want to get their book published or create a Blog or quit their job that they hate to actually do what they love and help a lot more people by doing that, but they just don’t know how. That is why I am so passionate about helping you build your audience.
It’s not just about the number ...but it does change everything, and that is what happened for me, and can happen for you.
I literally go into all of the different ways you can do this in a way where you’re not always on social media so that it’s not ruling your life. It’s just allowing you to create the kind of life that you really want to have, so you can just focus on growing your following, building your audience, and living your dream and purpose.

Social Selling:
How to integrate Instagram across social media, rapidly expand your overall following, drive traffic to your blog or website, get paid to share products from companies you love (& get free things). So that Instagram really does become like your dream job.
The whole concept of not being able to sell on social media is not true ...there is a right way and a wrong way to do it though and I will be making sure you’re doing it the right way.
How you can actually use Instagram (& social media) to make money in your sleep simply by sharing what you already love with your audience.
How to use Instagram to break the barriers of the algorithm and get significantly higher engagement on social media so that you have a much higher chance of your posts being seen by a lot more people...people commenting, posting and sharing it with their friends ...and therefore it can expand your reach even more.
Instagram & Blogging: making your Blog your business...because I think for most people it is their dream to make their blog their business and this is basically the key to being able to do this.
How to make beautiful professional images that stand out without any kind of design skills or experience.
How to monetize your blog without feeling as if you’re selling anything.
Optimizing SEO even if you’re clueless and start to zone out when you hear things about SEO (aka the easiest best way to be found on Google!)
Working with brands you love & getting free gifts/paid for what you would want to share anyway.
Sharing longer posts : aka spaces so that your captions and your message always gets out in a way that is more effective and is Easy so that you can work from your phone and work from Anywhere.
How to Get PR and interviews: ..so far because of what I teach you to do in this Course I have been interviewed by Real Simple, Glamour magazine, the NY Post, Huffington Post, Forbes and the Dr Oz show. I did not have a publicist at all ...I didn’t even know how to get one.
Whether it is a smaller blog or a bigger publication I share exactly how you can get epic PR & to keep growing and building your audience and making an epic impact
How to Expand your Email List: a lot of people will spend a lot of money just to grow their list...and I have learned that you don’t always have to if you are using Instagram.
I share exactly what I did to originally grow my list starting from scratch. From 0 to 500 without spending anything on Facebook ads and how you can do the same too...just by using Instagram.
Never before released!
We'll go into using stories the right & wrong way.
Really monetizing and automating your account
using Instagram and FB ads. -
How to make sure that you are doing all of this in an authentic way because right now more than ever if you are not then it is not going to work. And to me the most important thing is that this does work for you so that you can be your brand and live your dream.
Instagram Influencers:
The section where I go thru different interviews and case studies with a lot of my favorite friends who have all started with nothing and grown their following on Instagram. Who did not even have a business before they started using Instagram...which then allowed them to create and elevate their business in a whole new way.
We all started with similar backgrounds...and we also all used the same tips, tools and strategies that I will be sharing with you so you can really see that this is possible for anyone...and it is definitely possible for you.
The New Secrets of Instagram:

You’ll be able to watch from anywhere, at any time.
And you’ll be getting instant access to all of the Course footage at once, so that you can literally go at your own pace or go through all of the content on 1 day.
Let me know where your journey ends up taking you...
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